GIS Consulting & Training
Support for collecting and managing your geospatial data.
Need help managing your geographic data, integrating and analyzing it, and/or transforming it into maps that communicate important information to your stakeholders? You’re in the right place. Bell Geographic’s consulting and training services can help you find the purpose and context for your existing data. Or you can learn to collect and present it yourself.

Geospatial Data Creation, Integration & Management
Customize and develop geospatial data for your organization through existing or new data sources. After we design the geospatial databases, you can begin to collect and use the data for planning or mapping. We can also design data collection workflows for beginner GIS staff or in the absence of GIS staff.

ArcGIS Online “AGOL” Account Management and Administration
Create and share maps, data and analytics. ArcGIS Online (AGOL) is a cloud-based product from Esri that offers a way to map and analyze geographic data using a web browser. Organizations can create interactive maps and applications-on-demand and share them with other organizations, groups and/or the public. Bell Geographic can manage web maps, web applications, web services and groups. We can also establish and manage your own GIS server.

Geospatial Data Collection for Asset Management
Managers – you need to know what and where the infrastructure is. We can map your assets, establish and maintain accurate inventory workflows and historical records. You can confidently present information on physical assets to address management, financial, maintenance, and other challenges.

Learn to do it yourself with our tailored training. We’ll teach you how to collect new or existing data. And integrate, store, edit, analyze, share and display it in powerful ways.